Kama Sutra

Kama Sutra

The Kama Sutra (Sanskrit: कामसूत्र), (alternative spellings: Kamasutraṃ or simply Kamasutra), is an ancient Indian Hindu text widely considered to be the standard work on human sexual behavior in Sanskrit literature written by Mallanāga Vātsyāyana. A portion of the work consists of practical advice on sexual intercourse. It is largely in prose, with many inserted anustubh poetry verses. "Kāma" means sensual orsexual pleasure, and "sūtra" literally means a thread or line that holds things together, and more metaphorically refers to an aphorism (or line, rule, formula), or a collection of such aphorisms in the form of a manual. The modern English word "suture" is derived from the same root.
The Kama Sutra is the oldest and most notable of a group of texts known generically as Kama Shastra (Sanskrit: Kāma Śāstra). Traditionally, the first transmission of Kama Shastra or "Discipline of Kama" is attributed to Nandi the sacred bull, Shiva's doorkeeper, who was moved to sacred utterance by overhearing the lovemaking of the god and his wife Parvati and later recorded his utterances for the benefit of mankind.
Historian John Keay says that the Kama Sutra is a compendium that was collected into its present form in the second century CE.


The Mallanaga Vatsyayana's Kama Sutra has 1250 verses, distributed in 36 chapters, which are further organized into 7 parts. According to both the Burton and Doniger translations, the contents of the book are structured into 7 parts like the following:
1. Introductory
Chapters on contents of the book, three aims and priorities of life, the acquisition of knowledge, conduct of the well-bred townsman, reflections on intermediaries who assist the lover in his enterprises (5 chapters).
2. On sexual union
Chapters on stimulation of desire, types of embraces, caressing and kisses, marking with nails, biting and marking with teeth, on copulation (positions), slapping by hand and corresponding moaning, virilebehavior in women, superior coition and oral sex, preludes and conclusions to the game of love. It describes 64 types of sexual acts (10 chapters).
3. About the acquisition of a wife
Chapters on forms of marriage, relaxing the girl, obtaining the girl, managing alone, union by marriage (5 chapters).
4. About a wife
Chapters on conduct of the only wife and conduct of the chief wife and other wives (2 chapters).
5. About others' wives
Chapters on behavior of woman and man, how to get acquainted, examination of sentiments, the task of go-between, the king's pleasures, behavior in the women's quarters (6 chapters).
6. About courtesans
Chapters on advice of the assistants on the choice of lovers, looking for a steady lover, ways of making money, renewing friendship with a former lover, occasional profits, profits and losses (6 chapters).
7. On the means of attracting others to one's self
Chapters on improving physical attractions, arousing a weakened sexual power (2 chapters)

Pleasure and spirituality

Dharma: Virtuous living.Some Indian philosophies follow the "four main goals of life", known as the purusharthas:
  1. Artha: Material prosperity.
  2. Kama: Aesthetic and erotic pleasure.
  3. Moksha: Liberation.
Dharma, Artha and Kama are aims of everyday life, while Moksha is release from the cycle of death and rebirth. The Kama Sutra (Burton translation) says:
"Dharma is better than Artha, and Artha is better than Kama. But Artha should always be first practised by the king for the livelihood of men is to be obtained from it only. Again, Kama being the occupation of public women, they should prefer it to the other two, and these are exceptions to the general rule." (Kama Sutra 1.2.14)
Of the first three, virtue is the highest goal, a secure life the second and pleasure the least important. When motives conflict, the higher ideal is to be followed. Thus, in making money virtue must not be compromised, but earning a living should take precedence over pleasure, but there are exceptions.
In childhood, Vātsyāyana says, a person should learn how to make a living; youth is the time for pleasure, and as years pass one should concentrate on living virtuously and hope to escape the cycle of rebirth. Also the Buddha preached a Kama Sutra, which is located in the Atthakavagga (sutra number 1). This Kama Sutra, however, is of a very different nature as it warns against the dangers that come with the search for pleasures of the senses.
Many in the Western world wrongly consider the Kama Sutra to be a manual for tantric sex. While sexual practices do exist within the very wide tradition of Hindu Tantra, theKama Sutra is not a Tantric text, and does not touch upon any of the sexual rites associated with some forms of Tantric practice.

Kamasuthra Positions

Sex Positions of Kamasutra

Passionate Man and WomanThe Deer-woman has the following three ways of lying down:

The widely opened position
The yawning position
The position of the wife of Indra
Widely Opened CongressWhen she lowers her head and raises her middle parts, it is called the 'widely opened position'. At such a time the man should apply some unguent, so as to make the entrance easy.
Yawning PositionWhen she raises her thighs and keeps them wide apart and engages in congress, it is called the 'yawning position'.
Highest Congress of IndraniWhen she places her thighs with her legs doubled on them upon her sides, and thus engages in congress, it is called the 'position of Indrani' and this is learnt only by practice. The position is also useful in the case of the 'highest congress'.
The 'clasping position' is used in 'low congress', and in the 'lowest congress', together with the 'pressing position', the 'twining position', and the 'mare's position'.
Clasping Intercourse - Man on TopWhen the legs of both the male and the female are stretched straight out over each other, it is called the 'clasping position'. It is of two kinds, the side position and the supine position. In the side position the male should lie on his left side, the woman on her right side.
Pressing PositionWhen, after congress has begun in the clasping position, the woman presses her lover with her thighs, it is called the 'pressing position'.
Twining of Thighs - Art StatuesWhen the woman places one of her thighs across the thigh of her lover it is called the 'twining position'.
Mare - Lingam held in the YoniWhen a woman forcibly holds in her yoni the lingam after it is in, it is called the 'mare's position'. This is learnt by practice only, and is chiefly found among the women of the Andhra country.
The above are the different ways of lying down, mentioned by Babhravya. Suvarnanabha, however, gives the following in addition:
Rising of the ThighsWhen the female raises both of her thighs straight up, it is called the 'rising position'.
Yawning IllustrationWhen she raises both of her legs, and places them on her lover's shoulders, it is called the 'yawning position'.
Pressed Position of LoversWhen the legs are contracted, and thus held by the lover before his bosom, it is called the 'pressed position'.
Half Pressed - Woman's leg stretched outWhen only one of her legs is stretched out, it is called the 'half pressed position'.
Splitting of the BambooWhen the woman places one of her legs on her lover's shoulder, and stretches the other out, and then places the latter on his shoulder, and stretches out the other, and continues to do so alternately, it is called the 'splitting of a bamboo'.
Fixing of the NailWhen one of her legs is placed on the head, and the other is stretched out, it is called the 'fixing of a nail'. This is learnt by practice only.
Crab PositionWhen both the legs of the woman are contracted, and placed on her stomach, it is called 'crab's position'.
Packed CongressWhen the thighs are raised and placed one upon the other, it is called the 'packed position'.
Lotus PositionWhen the shanks are placed one upon the other, it is called the 'lotus-like position'.
Turning IntercourseWhen a man, during congress, turns round, and enjoys the woman without leaving her, while she embraces him round the back all the time, it is called the 'turning position', and is learnt only by practice.
Women in WaterThus, says Suvarnanabha, these different ways of lying down, sitting, and standing should be practised in water, because it is easy to do so therein. But Vatsyayana is of opinion that congress in water is improper, because it is prohibited by the religious law.
Supported CongressWhen a man and a woman support themselves on each other's bodies, or on a wall, or pillar, and thus while standing engage in congress, it is called the 'supported congress'.
Suspended CongressWhen a man supports himself against a wall, and the woman, sitting on his hands joined together and held underneath her, throws her arms round his neck, and putting her thighs alongside his waist, moves herself by her feet, which are touching the wall against which the man is leaning, it is called the 'suspended congress'.
Congress of the Cow - Man from BehindWhen a woman stands on her hands and feet like a quadruped, and her lover mounts her like a bull, it is called the 'congress of a cow'. At this time everything that is ordinarily done on the bosom should be done on the back.
Animal Congress - Dog, Horse, Goat, Deer, Ass, Cat, Tiger, ElephantIn the same way can be carried on the congress of a dog, the congress of a goat, the congress of a deer, the forcible mounting of an ass, the congress of a cat, the jump of a tiger, the pressing of an elephant, the rubbing of a boar, and the mounting of a horse.
And in all these cases the characteristics of these different animals should be manifested by acting like them.
United Congress - Two Women with One ManWhen a man enjoys two women at the same time, both of whom love him equally, it is called the 'united congress'.
Congress of a Herd of Cows - Orgy of Many WomenWhen a man enjoys many women altogether, it is called the 'congress of a herd of cows'.
The following kinds of congress-sporting in water, or the congress of an elephant with many female elephants which is said to take place only in the water, the congress of a collection of goats, the congress of a collection of deer take place in imitation of these animals.
Many Men Enjoying One WomanIn Gramaneri many young men enjoy a woman that may be married to one of them, either one after the other, or at the same time. Thus one of them holds her, another enjoys her, a third uses her mouth, a fourth holds her middle part, and in this way they go on enjoying her several parts alternately.
Harem - Dominant Man enjoying his CourtesansThe same things can be done when several men are sitting in company with one courtesan, or when one courtesan is alone with many men. In the same way this can be done by the women of the king's harem when they accidentally get hold of a man.
Lower Congress - Anal IntercourseThe people in the Southern countries have also a congress in the anus, that is called the 'lower congress'.
Mouth Congress - FellatioAuparishtaka or mouth congress.

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